Book Name: Birds and Boat
Author: Cao Wenxuan
Publication Date: 2012.03
Price: 32.80 CNY
ISBN: 978-7-5332-6765-0
Pages: 32
Format: 264*230mm


Brief Introduction of the Work: After a night of furious storm, a small boat is drifted to a thick lattice of tall reeds. Boundless loneliness covers it. A couple of big white birds fly on the boat and make a nest in its cabin. Soon, their children are born. One day, when the parent birds go out for hunting, a fox comes. The hungry fox licks its lips over the little birds. The boat gathers all its strength, even waves its long cables to drive away the fox and finally saves the little birds. Birds and the boat render a splendid picture over the wide river.

About the Author

Introduction of the Author: Cao Wenxuan, 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award winner, professor at Peking University, has always devoted himself to writing for children. He is very familiar with children's growing up and spiritual demand. His works were translated into more than 6 languages and published in UK, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Korea and etc.