Book Name: Last Leopard
Author: Cao Wenxuan
Publication Date: 2010.06
Price: 30.80 CNY
ISBN: 978-7-5332-6327-0
Pages: 32
Format: 264*230mm


Brief Introduction of the Work: A Leopard walks alone on the wasteland. It has been looking for other leopards for several days, but got nothing. It meets a wild pigeons, a groundhog and an old oak. Then it walks to a near dry pool, which mirrors its tired face. When the remaining water in the pool is taken away by strong sunlight, the leopard sinks into a deep sleep. But when the storm brings water covering the pool, the leopard never wakes up.

About the Author

Introduction of the Author: Cao Wenxuan, 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Award winner, professor at Peking University, has always devoted himself to writing for children. He is very familiar with children's growing up and spiritual demand. His works were translated into more than 6 languages and published in UK, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Korea and etc.