Book Name: One Girl's Diary
Author: Yang Hongying
Publication Date: 2016.06
Price: 25.00 CNY
ISBN: 978-7-5332-8850-1
Pages: 298
Words: 185,000
Format: 155*210mm


Brief Introduction of the Work: It truthfully depicts, in way of diary, subtle change of girl Ran Dongyang in her physiology and mentality at the time of her puberty. With detailed strokes, it presents confidence and beauty of contemporary Chinese juniors as they grow up, and calls adults with deep feeling to lead and face their grow-up with enough tolerance and patience. All of these make it an amazing works focusing on contemporary juniors' spiritual growth.

About the Author

Introduction of the Author: Yang Hongying is a genius author of super best-selling children's books in contemporary China and the most favorite author of millions of Chinese young readers. She seeks for the communication between children and adults and advocates a healthy, harmonious and perfect childhood. Yang Hongying's works reflect the reality of the life and psychology of contemporary Chinese children and display as well as appeal for the natural characteristics of children.